Depending on the strength of the user, anything slowed may continue to be slowed after looking away, or not. I'm a defensive and tough person. @pwpperfart. Megumi seems to be enjoying his time today. Cursed Technique Reversal: Red simply reverses the Blue technique, creating a powerful repulsive force that expels everything in Satoru's general vicinity. Who uses it, how its used,. And the effects would stack. (I.E. Instead, cursed techniques flow cursed energy into them to carry out a specific function, granting the user a special ability based in jujutsu. Once cursed spirits begin to demonstrate hints of consciousness, cursed energy becomes much more difficult to understand. Anime Manga OC. While the Tangled Web of the Weaver is in effect, the user is also granted temporary access to a shikigami of sorts in the form of a giant spider. [7], Nobara Kugisaki's "Straw Doll Technique" grants her the ability to manipulate her hammer, nails, and straw doll. [1] Innate Techniques A delusion about having 'great power' stored under some bandages on their arm/eye/etc. ), Domain Expansion: Deepwater Abyss of Transformation. Loosely translates to the Day of Joy. Damage Reflection- User has to show ones cards, explaining the ability. However, by using cursed techniques, this cursed energy can . Cursed energy can be used as a blunt force, or to reinforce the body, but these applications are not considered cursed techniques. The user becomes able to see their own colors and therefore is able drastically increases certain attributes like physical strength at the cost of weakening others. why do i need em when i have brain *big brain energy intensifies*. (i.e. You would use good karma and bad karma for different things. Almost forgot. The same goes with Mahitos soul multiplicity or Nobaras Resonance and Hairpin. I made a post a while back about cursed technique ideas, loved the feedback and ideas so I decided to make another one. Many strong sorcerers with innate techniques can't perform barrier techniques. [9], Sukuna's technique is divided into two types of slashing attacks. Anything caught within the surface is distorted without being physically harmed, similar to how a lens creates distortion. You're given a day off from your job as a sorcerer. 36,991 takers Report Anime & Manga Just For Fun Jujutsu Kaisen Jjk Jjk Quiz Share which cursed technique do you possess? The sorcerer explains their ability before commencing the fight then rolls their pair of dice. It's one of the most important trait in a sorcerer, no? [60] These techniques are especially powerful even among cursed techniques. 1 represents Sense of Smell, 2 represents Sense of Touch, 3 represents Sense of Taste, 4 represents Sense of Sight, 5 represents Sense of Hearing, and 6 means the opponent gets to choose the numbers. Like for ex mid fight could they absorb curse energy. Optional ability-user can plant silkworm eggs inside body of enemy and eat the enemy alive, killing the enemy as silk moths emerge from body. However, when used to power up electronics, one can gain a variety of uses with it. The first one to win gains one use of the others cursed technique and if the loser souls immediately leave the mortal plane. Simple Domain is a technique that erects a small barrier around the user to protect them from enemy Domain Expansions. What kind of ability would you like to have if u were transported into jjk. being the leader is not my style, i'd rather be a strategist. You passively absorb vitality from the people around you within a certain range. When a color is found it shades in part of the domain in it and the owner of it can shape that area to form items such as arrows, knives, or shields. (head, arms, torso, legs). You are summoned to a battlefield for an all-out brawl. Such as increased cutting power for a sword, increased penetration power for a spear, et cetera. This technique can be used either to disrupt the targets flow of cursed energy to weaken their techniques or outright nullify them altogether or to even place limits on the users own curse energy thus making them appear weaker. Such a trap would resemble the stereotypical laser defense systems seen in heist movies. [10], Hanami's technique allows him to freely conjure and manipulate various cursed plants and wood-based attacks manifested from his cursed energy. The drawback is that the bigger the object or the farther the target is, the longer and weaker the frozen effect will have. In exchange the users' own colors are revealed to the targets who keep their consciousness and the user and their targets compete to understand the natures of each other's souls. Individually, the cards can be used as a cursed cutting tool against curses and opponents. Next, the opponent loses their sense of sight. It'll still work just fine on people and curses, though it's more effective on those of weaker willpower than the user. While enemy is forced to focus on the sword user can pummel the enemy with their fists. [2] Anyone with enough cursed energy can learn to erect barriers with enough training, such as non-combatant Jujutsu High managers. Guns, or perhaps a large bazooka? Thread-Spinning Technique - The user can manipulate their cursed energy to create threads they can freely control. His Todo unleashes his cursed technique ideas: JuJutsuKaisen - reddit /a > Kaisen. So, they can taste, see, and hear even better after losing another sense. Its primary use is to conceal jujutsu related events from civilians and cause curses to reveal themselves. Creates glowing muscular arms in the air behind you that you can move as you want. Iori Utahime is good at singing and it is said to be a huge part of her cursed technique. People diagnosed 12.3 K. Favorites 6. are an innate technique's most supreme art. Manga Debut It only works on things you can see. Also, if the another individual would enter the domain before it completely seals its target, then the domain is nullified. The name means the day of wrath. The technique is outwardly simple but can get extremely complex. )Bearer of all, Atman -Aita performs specific arm and hand movements giving off the aura of a lotus flower, with this he is able to heal any wound no matter how fatal. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Innate Cursed Technique - Name: Senseless Dice. Inspection from Gojo Senseis six eyes has revealed that his technique will not allow him to craft a domain because of his binding vow His binding vow allows him to create a portal to the outside of a domain by targeting any cursed outside of it. your jujutsu kaisen oc. Binding Interdiction: Restrain: after making contact with the target or if trapped in AoE this seal restrains the targets movements. there are times where i struggles with difficulty but that doesn't stop me from being one of the strongest. I guess i'll be sleeping all day long. Techniques include: Puncture: Basically Nobara's 'Hairpin' technique. A cursed technique that enhances melee attacks. Upon activation, any damage user takes within 10 minute period will be reflected back onto the original enemy who inflicted damage. Only, hitting a thread wouldn't set off an alarm. Techniques include: Puncture: Basically Nobara's 'Hairpin' technique. It doesn't work if you can't directly see the opponent, so it won't work through cameras or anything like that. They can increase their length, control them telepathically, and launch them with large amounts of force. They can be used to conceal entire areas, shield the user, or trap opponents, among various other uses. This is essentially to throw them off a bit since you're used to always smelling something. Their remaining senses become stronger. Could you imagine getting not only one, but ten chunks of flesh getting torn from your body? are attacks, spells, or abilities derived from the user's innate technique (i.e. a very skilled user of this technique can creat powerful seals with a mere finger and place them on the target with the most passive of touches), 2: How much curse energy the user has at their disposal (This relates to AoE techniques as the potency of such techniques would be relative to the amount of cursed energy the user has), 3: How strong the target is or how much curse energy the user has in relation to their target. Domain Expansion: Heavenly Forge of the Enlightened Craftsman - The domain expansion allows the user to freely absorb the cursed energies of those caught in it. The grudge takes the form of a Black ball and chain shackled to the . Bodily sacrifice: The first half of the technique allows someone to make their body intangible. His technique does this by folding space. The main benefit of this is that the user can drastically increase the duration of their possession over others by resetting their colors. Based on how a user applies his innate technique, variations of the base technique can be derived. These will leave nasty welts and bruises, but won't otherwise harm the target. Mage. By playing with ratios of your body used to summon and the amount of cursed energy, the technique becomes very versatile, As I said the technique is outwardly simple and perhaps even weak but when the user of the technique places a few key binding vows upon themselves and their technique the power can even reach special grade levels. 3)Disguise: The user can change into anyone for a short period of time as long as he has a clear image of the person.Can only use it once a day.He can infiltrate enemy base or change into someone precious to the enemy to dmg them psychologically 4)Domain Expansion: Dreamscape This is basically like the sharingan genjutsu in Naruto where it disturbs the enemies perception of reality that can cause them to die from shock, have brain dmg or get traumatised. Their range is limited within a 100-meter radius of the user, and the number that can be created is limited to the number of fingers the user has. User(s) Using all the user's positive karma, they heal any wound curse, or disease of a person or creature. Cursed Energy can only be used as an impactful force in an attack or to buff up your own body to protect from external attacks. It can also be ordered by the user to eat whatever it has cocooned, which is particularly useful against cursed spirits as that will instantly exorcise them. The result is an opponent forced to injure themselves fighting the powerful shikigami as well as the user. Besides that, the card also possesses a secondary ability called Cursed Fatigue. The standard offensive usage for this technique is to use them like whips, as they're razor-sharp and will leave lacerations. Inherited techniques: Cursed techniques that are passed down through family lines are known as inherited techniques. Magnetic Curse Technique : The user has ability to attract and repel curse spirits and curse attacks.He can attract curse attacks when it is near he can repel towards the user itself making the technique both defensive and attacking purposes. The more aggro is built up the more the enemy is forced to focus on user. Lets me take on features of animals that I raise for at least one year. Fangs, claws, tail, gills, you name it. If used for an area of effect technique the Hanko Seal will manifest either on the ground under the user or above the user and spread to enclose the desired target area. [55], Inherited Techniques (, Sden Jutsushiki?) Ultimately, you're only left with your sixth, allowing you to sense your inevitable death to a heightened extent. Meaning when they remove or loosen the bandages they are able to draw on more of that energy to increase their physical abilities more than they would have been able to previously. It takes 10 minutes to make armor for each section of the body. Illusionary Curse Technique: 1)Clone: The user can make clones of himself or anyone that are very fragile that can fire a mid range projectile or beat up enemies imbued with cursed energy but the dmg is 20% of the normal dmg the user can deal the max amount of clones that can be summoned at a time is 5. An ability based on absorbing vitality. In exchange they can mask the sure hit attack of their domain as its passive effect, Reversed curse technique: Sole admiration. The duration depends on how much cursed energy was used to bolster the threads, as this technique actively burns through it the moment it's activated. The stone shell fades in three seconds, but enemy can also burst through using raw strength. Grapple - If the user ever dreamed of being Spider-Man, this is that wish fulfilled. [22], Extension Techniques ( () () () () , Kakuch Jutsushiki?) SorcerersCursed Spirits I have a few ive had backed up as well, Signature move: by collectong someones signature on a piece of paper and then ripping it up the user can borrow the physical strength of said person, Pins and needles: a similar to old man zenins that spreads across the ground of an area and forces people walking in it to set their actions to a set tempo/beat as well as stay balanced or theyll slowly be stabbed from the floor, Parasitic relationship: a worm like shikigami that spawns from inside the users body and has to break through the skin or only through preexisting open areas like the mouth or wounds. If the numbers rolled match, like if two 4s are rolled, then the opponent only loses their sense of sight. The targets colors are the physical manifestations of every aspect of their soul and body from their beliefs, personality, talents, and cursed techniques. I can combine my animals into one powerful Shikigami (We'll beat your dumb ass, Mahoraga! Playing sport, exercising or probably go for a walk outside for fresh air. Capabilities So i'll go with Tank, I'm not a person who's active with sports not exercises, but long range attack is my special talent. This only works if the user has a massive reserve of stored negative karma. Soul Ties of Ensnarement: This technique is the pinnacle of Binding Interdiction and the only way one can survive using Domain Expansion. This is different from the neutral form of his Limitless Technique and can be called a Technique Variation or a Technique Extension. User can trick opponents by 1) deactivating the ability at any point without telling, thus throwing off the timing of the ability or 2) You only need to explain the ability in order to get the damage reflection to work, but you can activate the ability prior to the explanation. However, anyone capable of breaking through his paralyzing gaze can cause major backlash to Ranta's eyes. The user is able to manipulate the size of these portals, bigger portal more cursed energy. Can use it in themselves or others, but again, target must be human. It cannot be summoned outside the Domain, even if the user is also a shikigami user. Blessed Blade - A katana infused with positive cursed energy. I personally am a laidback person. Though, the more threads that are used to bind an individual, the harder it is to do that. Also he/she must have all fingers wrapped around the target to FULLY freeze it. The shape of the domain is a die. Creating needles take little cursed energy, so most of it can be put into launching them forward. The opponent's remaining senses become stronger. Needlework: The user can create thin, acupuncture needles out of cursed energy and control them. The user is also able to imbue an object with multiple spirits, to further strengthen the techniques effects upon it. These threads are nearly imperceptible, however they can be seen if they catch light. Does it count as a flex if i say mine would be a great amount? Which one is the closest assumption about your amount of Cursed Energy? Thag sounds like that would be Arthur from Fire Forces CT. Binding Interdiction: Subjugate: This seal coerces the target to conform to the users will. CT - 'Cursed Technique' The supernatural power created via that resource. A cursed technique bound to eyes that are completely dark blue with no white. Cursed Energy can only be used as an impactful force in an attack or to buff up your own body to protect from external attacks. We would be good friend, if only he exists :"), Sarcastic and mean at times. [83] Additionally, some innate techniques like the Ten Shadows Technique revolve around summoning shikigami.[84]. If the target happens to be a person, it would be wiser for them to find a way to cut through the thread, or to get the user to release them. My cursed technique will be so cool. I'm a support. If the reversed technique is incorporated in the domain than instead of a swarm one elephant sized hyena summoned automatically from the tangibility of those trapped inside will fight the opponent. Cursed Tool user, Flowing Red Scale, Crimson Binding, Slicing Exorcism, Convergence, Piercing Blood, Ultimate Mechamaru,Multiple Cannon Attacks, Sword Option: Ultra Shield, Cursed Technique Reversal: Red; Cursed technique lapse: Blue;Hollow Purple, New Shadow style: Batto Sword Draw, Even Moon Sword Draw, Domain Amplification,Coffin of the Iron Mountain, Convergence, Supernova, Flowing Red Scale, Piercing Blood. Spirit invocation: The second half of the technique is the exciting part. Optional ability- create shikigami out of silk i.e. Description. Anyone have cursed ideas they want to share? *bonk author*. They are the most powerful attacks a cursed technique can perform outside of Domain Expansion. Which role do you think will fit you the most? Within this domain, all needles can hit any target, provided they don't use a domain of their own. These techniques sometimes manifest based on a users talent. Press J to jump to the feed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. This can be achieved through a reverse cursed technique. Illusionary Curse Technique: 1)Clone: The user can make clones of himself or anyone that are very fragile that can fire a mid range projectile or beat up enemies imbued with cursed energy but the dmg is 20% of the normal dmg the user can deal the max amount of clones that can be summoned at a time is 5. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Users of bodily invocation have access to a single moderately strong hyena shikigami of quasi 2nd grade strength. For those who possess an innate technique, it is considered to be 80% of their skillset. These require little to no concentration, as they have no will of their own, but they can still be moved like the thing the resemble. So if you're projectiles get destroyed them your body takes damage as a result. Naturally this makes the penalty of destruction of the summoned projectiles fall upon the target used to summon them. The target is unable to think nor respond to any phenomena during the duration of this technique. As a kid, if was often gossiped that Shien was a child of a monster or demon. By interpreting these colors the user gains a supreme understanding of the nature of their target and can freely control their body and to a more limited extent soul without their knowledge, Only the user can see the colors of others and interpret them, The user gains access to the cursed techniques, memories, and cursed energy of the target, As long as the user controls a target any fatal injuries they gain can be transferred onto one of their puppets, In extreme emergencies the user at the cost of all their other puppets can possess one of them temporarily, The user can instinctively feel the outline of their own soul and so they are resistant to any soul attacks and can injure those who are to maintain the outline of their souls. hello! Press J to jump to the feed. Binding Interdiction: Relay: This seal allows the user to communicate telepathically with whomever theyve placed the seal on. If domain is created, then multiple shikigami can be used. also second/third portion are optional lol. Using Simple Domain will deactivate the ability. It is, however, unwise to pour all of one's power into this technique. This allows the user to focus all their cursed energy into offense without having to use their cursed energy to protect their own body. You can also lay certain effects on it. This one is my favorite I've read so far it's really really good lol. I assume i'll have an average amount of it. Domain Expansion: Pain Relief Procedure Takes the form of a giant room resembling a traditional Chinese doctor's office (6 feet tall sticks of burning incense, giant scrolls with Chinese script written on it, etc.) First Appearance Non-Inherited techniques: Cursed techniques that are unique to the user and not passed down are known as non-inherited techniques. 2. A weakness would be that the user would always be searching for way to get more karma, and then having to use it all in a fight and then go find more. ), commonly shortened to simply Techniques ( () () , Jutsushiki? This timer when it reaches 0 means that the target is immediately absorbed and their soul leaves the mortal plane. I wanna see how will he react if i pulled a prank on him! Failure to accomplish the pledge will result in an attack with reduced power than usual. Binding Interdiction: Mass subjugation: This is the AoE version of subjugate. Here are the best & worst cursed techniques of the series. For every strike, an opponents stamina and cursed energy is slowly drained, useful in any pro-longed fights. amazing!!! This tradeoff works as a contract and makes it stronger, Pinball wizard: this is a technique i imagine for a ranged fighter or sniper esque cursed weapon user that increases an attacks effectiveness each time it bounces off an object or wall. Mixing the regular and reversed versions of this technique would leave enemies confused and stumbling helplessly, but the same can be said for an inexperienced user. By using the body part made intangible and the users cursed energy as an offering and medium to summon the shikigami and only summoning a portion of said shikigami (namely it's teeth) the user can easily create multiple quasi-first class missile-like projectiles to fight with (think s ndt from bleach), At any time the user can expend a large amount of cursed energy to summon a large projection of the head of the hyena to bite the target (think aki and kon from chainsawman). The sorcerers and curse users of Jujutsu Kaisen each have wildly different cursed techniques with unique activation requirements and effects. The other, Cleave, can be adjusted with cursed energy to cut down tougher opponents in one powerful slash. Cursed Technique: Spirit Forge Allows the user to freely absorb and imbue cursed energies and spirits into pre-existing objects. Try to balance the ability out with it not being too OP, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Marksman. So theoretically if there were a setting where a family's inherited technique was Asura Nullifying Fist, and they also taught their family members the Critical Chain art, the combination of techniques was something I named Trillion Blows, though I don't think that would be a maximum technique. If opponent looks into an eye and doesnt turn, they turn into stone. Binding Interdiction: Barrier: this seal creates a protective barrier around the desired area of effect. ), are a form of advanced jujutsu that grant the user specialized abilities. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Cultivating and passing down these techniques is what allows sorcerer families to maintain their prosperity in the jujutsu community. Hiromi's cursed tool, shikigami, and domain all came by default with his cursed technique. [71] For example, creating a barrier is simple enough, but making it so only certain people can exit requires advanced skills. This technique is as powerful as the users imagination. It's the last thing they hear before the overwhelming, impending sense of death overcomes them. Check out our sister sub r/Jujutsushi for serious manga discussion. The cards can either be thrown or used like a knife. Thank you! I'll visit my favorite bakery or cafe and a little tour around the town. Domain Expansion is a highly advanced technique that only the strongest cursed energy users can pull off. Also tall effigies of the user and the target appear behind each party. Otherwise, too many innate techniques will overload the user's brain. However, this leaves the rest of her body vulnerable. At max aggro, an opponent develops severe tunnel vision, only being able to see the user and they cannot see others/their surrounding or even sense others cursed energy. , cursed energy to cut down tougher opponents in one powerful slash and... Walk outside for fresh air cause major backlash to Ranta 's eyes every strike an. Abyss of Transformation gaze can cause major backlash to Ranta 's eyes subjugation: technique! Negative karma user can manipulate their cursed energy ever dreamed of being Spider-Man, this cursed energy.... On things you can see Forge allows the user, anything slowed may continue be. # x27 ; Hairpin & # x27 ; s & # x27 ; cursed technique ideas, loved feedback! A knife the neutral form of his Limitless technique and if jujutsu kaisen cursed technique generator user, anything slowed may continue be... Mahitos soul multiplicity or Nobaras Resonance and Hairpin vitality from the people around you within certain... 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