, Revealed by Rigdzin Gdem Ngdrup Gyaltsen (13371408). The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and . ' Zk! $l$T4QOt"y\b)AI&NI$R$)TIj"]&=&!:dGrY@^O$ _%?P(&OJEBN9J@y@yCR nXZOD}J}/G3k{%Ow_.'_!JQ@SVF=IEbbbb5Q%O@%!ByM:e0G7 e%e[(R0`3R46i^)*n*|"fLUomO0j&jajj.w_4zj=U45n4hZZZ^0Tf%9->=cXgN]. In gsung 'bum/_'gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub. This famous vajra song (rdo rjei glu), named after its initial syllables "ema kiri", appears in the Tantra of the Union of the Sun and Moon (nyi zla kha sbyor). With the plumb line of scripture and reasoning he established the foundation for the philosophical tenets of the vajra essence teachings. pururtha) are 1) Dharma (righteousness, moral values), 2) artha (prosperity, economic values), 3) kma (pleasure, love) and 4) moka (liberation). 26) Words of the Lotus Born: A Practice for the Spirits 13-485. Chapter One translated by Kennard Lipman in Crystal Mirror V: Lineage of Diamond Light (Compiled by Tarthang Tulku, Dharma Publishing, 1977), pp.336-356. 15) In Praise of the Scholar [ntarakita] As such, these are prose texts that lack the intense beauty of some of Longchenpa's other poetic worksyet compensate for it in their structural precision, wide-ranging span, and dramatic force as they journey through the entire history of the Universe, from the pre-origination primordial state of the Universe or Being in itself, through involution, evolution, and the spiritual path, on up to the final culmination of the Universe's self-exploration. 6) Knowing One Liberates All: Explanations on the Suppression Ritual of the Three Combined Black Yamntakas Yet, in order to set a good example for disciples, he nevertheless proceeded gradually in studying and practicing the teachings. , This must refer to Dza Kilung monastery, Orgyen Rigdzin Pelgye Ling, founded by Jigme Ngotsar Gyatso (c.1759c.1834), the first Kilung Rinpoche. The Treasure of the Supreme Vehicle(Tib. 35) A Flower of Dharma History: An Account of the Temple of the Hat[45] in Uru Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Frivolous Lawsuits are: a) the majority of lawsuits against the police b) an attempt to gain revenue from the officer or jurisdiction defending against the suit c) frequently won by the plaintiff d) extremely rare, A tort is: a) an instrument used by lawyers to file criminal charges b) the amount of money spent by police officers . 60) An Ornament of Precious Discipline: A Discourse Investigating the Prohibitions of the Ten Non-Virtuous Actions There's no charge to open an account or to manage your securities. And shows the benefit of peace, Once your order is received, we will contact you with a production time frame. 28) A Bouquet of Good Intentions: A Letter to Pilgrims, 29) The Ornament of the Desire Realm: A Guide to Samye Monastery Then, while he was practicing one-pointedly in order to obtain the supreme accomplishment at the great black charnel ground of Chimphu, he had three visions of the wisdom body of the future Buddha Rirab Marme Gyaltsen, the Great Omniscient Drime zer. << /Length 16 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> A treasure trove of millions of stainless qualities, be perfected! << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> To train in thatyou will awaken as a completely perfect buddha.. 9) A Concise Petition to Masang , See A Prayer to Jowo Rinpoche Combined with Aspirations and a Means to Receive the Four Empowerments. Reg. 12) A Letter to Holy Beings 21) Concise Biographies of the Previous Incarnations of Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa , One of the Eighteen Tantras of Mahyoga according to the Nyingma tradition. Zgd o:VWuPg\TgFigX=;( 8) Invitation and Cleansing With your eye of wisdom, you eliminate all the faults of existence. A Buddhist discussion forum on Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, Post , Zha lha khang. It is distinctive. 272, 291 (1851) ([N]o mandamus or other remedy lies against any officer of the Treasury Department, in a case situated like this, where no appropriation to pay it has been made. The prayer reminds the practitioner that all foods are to be offered to the deities that reside within the body. Thus, you should understand it to be just as stated here by the Buddha. 24) Sun and Moon Earrings: The Record of Teachings and Transmissions Received by Jigme Lingpa, comprising mainly of the precious Collected Tantras of the Early Translation School, the sdhanas and activity manuals of the Kama Teachings as illustrated by the Stra, Illusory Net, and Mind, the Seven Treasuries, the Heart Essence in Four Parts, and the earlier and later treasures. In Tulku Thondup. The guidance informs taxpayers that the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have reviewed the incremental cost . ACE American Insurance Company (NAIC #22667) BUSINESS ADDRESS: 436 Walnut Street P.O. ), but for the translation we have used numbers instead. He strongly urged the Great King and patron of the teachings to publish right away all the writings of the Omniscient Guru. Research Inst., 2000. 3) A Vine Leading to the Higher Realms:[75] A Ritual for Giving the Refuge Vows The . With logic and scripture he swept away and cleansed all stains of misguided thought. In return for this offering, the deities bestow accomplishments (. 2) An Explanation of the Meaning of the Words of the Practice to Repay Karmic Debts through Offering Water Tormas As Longchenpa puts it in the text itself: "Even if we were to meet in person, I would have no greater instruction to give you than this. 45) The Bodhi Tree: The Iconometric Proportions of the Eight Stpas of the Sugata, 46) Music from the Heaven of Enjoying Emanations: Advice on Making Offerings 7 0 obj Thus, if the subject of a treatise is the teachings of the Buddha, and is in accordance with the path that leads to liberation, it should be viewed as being the same as the words of the Bliss-Gone One. In a rare U.S. Supreme Court decision on tax, the justices unanimously handed a victory to the complainant taxpayer. He was the guardian of the Dharma of this kingdom, like a wish-fulfilling tree amidst ordinary woodland. , See van Schaik, Sam. Such a collection had never been compiled before. The reflection of the body of the Lord of Sages dawns.[5]. 23) The Play of the Kinaras: A Collection of Jigme Lingpa's Official Letters , From Jigme Lingpas A Casket of Enlightened Mind, a Manual of Essential Instructions , Although the chronology is unclear, the King of Derge referred to here might still be Sawang Zangpo, who was a devotee and patron of Jigme Lingpas work. May they set out joyfully on the path to nirva. 10) A Daily Sdhana for the Secret Practice of Hayagrva 109122. Longchenpa composed this famous abecedarian poem to express his disgust at the conduct of his classmates from Kham, Eastern Tibet, which had prompted his decision to leave the college of Sangpu Neuthog. The Precious Treasury of Oral Instructions. : 609-292-0734 Fax: 609-292-1384 PO Box 233 Trenton, NJ 08625-0030 State Vehicles In this way he manifested in a variety of forms, according to what was appropriate. theg mchog mdzod, TCD), a large commentary on all topics of the Dzogchen tradition found in the Seventeen Tantras which provide a wide ranging and systematic account of Dzogchen that goes into much more detail than the Tsik Dn Dz. (Video: JM Rieger/The Washington . He was empowered by the transference of blessing of the powerful radiance of awareness, the suchness beyond all expression, and mastered the realization of the ultimate lineage. And conducive to the path for attaining liberation, Then, finally, as the vajra prophecies of the Great Master of Uiyna found in the treasures of Orgyen Lingpa state: In the district of Yor in Central Tibet will come a bodhisattva called Pema. The prayer reminds the practitioner that all foods are to be offered to the deities that reside within the body. Or check out the sales calendar to see upcoming auctions by date and location. 3-32. If you find this site useful, please consider helping us to achieve our goal of translating more classic works from the Buddhist tradition and making them freely available. Likewise, concerning the benefit of giving a Dharma text to someone else, the Extensive Mother[88] scripture says: Kauika,[89] from all the beings that exist in all the billions of universes, if you were to lead some of them, sons or daughters of noble family, to the four meditative concentrations, the four immeasurables, the four formless absorptions, or the five super-cognitions, Kauika, what do you think? Reprint of Dodrup Chen Rinpoche ed. Vol. 3) The Mirror of the Eight Subjects of Scrutiny: Analyzing the Earth, A Discourse on the Southern Land of India[39] 5) Taking Aspiration as the Path: A Prayer to the Lineage Masters of the Precious Early Translation School In the jaws of a crocodile, be able to release themselves Ronis, Jann. 1) The Ship of Vehicles: An Overview. The first set of seven is for placing [the mind] in calmness; the second set of seven is for parting one from clinging to the body and mind; and the third set of seven is for seeing dharmat. The citation is as follows: In the south [of Tibet] there will come a tulku named zer. 14) An Aspiration Written for Gyarong ntrul, 1) Chariot of Liberation: A Sdhana for the Peaceful Deities of the Illusory Net 10) A Prayer Combining the Ten Deeds with the Four Empowerments The individual syllables and their arrangement as a mantra are considered particularly sacred since they are said to have been revealed by the primordial buddha Samantabhadra. Buddhist Digital Resource Center (BDRC), purl.bdrc.io/resource/MW20069. In January, we shared a 2023 IRS Guide to the $7500 Clean Vehicle Tax Credit, noting that changes were expected. Makes them jealous of others wealth and success The caps imposed are $55,000 for electric cars and $80,000 for SUVs and pickup . Here dharmas (Tib. Enjoy your readings here and have a wonderful day! Find state government surplus auctions. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2010, Gardner, Alexander. Later she was born as Queen Tsewang Lhamo, the consort and Dharma Queen of the King [of Derge, Sawang Zangpo]. Auctions and Sales. "kun mkhyen chos kyi rgyal po rig 'dzin 'jigs med gling pa'i bka' 'bum yong rdzogs kyi bzhugs byang chos rab rnam 'byed" In gsung 'bum/ 'gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub/ (glog klad par ma/). May we obtain the pramit of meditative concentration! mUs(/oM&w?od8.7wq|\# The maneuver is designed to tap a fleeing vehicle on the corner of its rear bumper to cause the vehicle to come to a spinning stop. This vajra song employs a series of metaphorsthe rising sun, brilliant moon, a total eclipse, and the wish-fulfilling jewel atop a banner of victoryto explain the benefits of advanced realization. The meaning of his biography is summarized in An Adornment of Songs of Realization. The Treasury of the Meaning of Words (Tshig don rin po che'i mdzod), although its plan is more classical (cf. "I6bWo ]6{>Tf5MiGcs G>@ [j'~hp<6pm,'P{1#8 }, {Qu&O2/d3#N(m1[Z7S0`8MLZV;qbP!hPjBoWrJCX2MTYs4B(XrNPs0af4L>#c~=}0w%1G%/40p4rQI19@'KMu:PH[F6Ineyi ;6G,aL%(grj =oX. cH,,zhp RRdyz!%")\>=%Yv>i%Il LXzT. 14) A Prayer Recalling the Life and Liberation of the Great Perfection Adept Rangjung Dorje (Naturally Arisen Vajra), Jigme Lingpa[81] This famous four-line prayer of dedication (bsngo ba) appears in the author's magnum opus, The Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (theg mchog mdzod). 11) In Praise of the Copper-Coloured Mountain To prevent his teachings from diminishing, and so that they might flourish far and wide, they sponsored group practices of the great and glorious Peaceful and Wrathful Deities and Vajraklaya at the newly established monastery in the region of Dza[30] and the old monastic seats of Dzogchen, Gyalrong and Katok. 10) Arming the Ocean-like Oath-bound Guardians of the Teachings[73] The Precious Treasury of the Dharmadhatu. In December, Treasury and the IRS set out key procedures for manufacturers and sellers of clean vehicles that are required for vehicles to be eligible for tax incentives. 30) An Adornment of Truth: An Account of the rya Palo Ling Temple at Samye See Janet Gyatso, Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiographies of a Tibetan VisionaryA Translation and Study of Jigme Lingpas Dancing Moon in the Water and Dakkis Grand Secret Talk (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999), page 57. The meaning of these mind treasures is profound, and their blessings swift. [9] First, he received the blessing of his enlightened body and the ultimate transmission of the words and their meaning. TreasuryDirect is our online system where you can buy and manage: The system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yet all of these emanations are in reality a single succession of births and are of one mind. Realize that craving for objects is a cause of bondage, BDRC W1KG13585. She and [her son], the prince and Dharma King Tsewang Dorje Rigdzin and [daughter], the princess Tamdrin Wangmo,[29] had great faith in the teachings of the lord guru Jigme Lingpa. Thereafter, realization arose spontaneously; any grasping at experiences vanished; his karmic winds were brought under control; the false cave of appearances collapsed; and his awareness was tempered and became pliable. 26) Vajra Gamaka: Clarifications in Praise of Glorious Samye Chimpu, This has six sections: 1) a collection of liturgies and arrangements, 2) a collection of sdhanas, 3) a collection of activity manuals, 4) a collection of clarifications and commentaries, 5) a collection of texts for offering to deities and protectors and 6) miscellaneous texts, 1) Blessing of the Speech[59] by Malcolm Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:30 pm. : Shambhala, 1996. van Schaik, Sam. [BDRC bdr:MW20069], Aris, Michael. First there is the root text in thirteen chapters, and then this is followed by the auto-commentary on the first nine chapters, entitled the Chariot of the Two Truths, which perfectly teaches the meaning of the three baskets.[35]. Author: Alexander Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: BEFORE we proceed to examine any other objections to an indefinite power of taxation in the Union, I shall make one general remark; which is, that if the jurisdiction of the national government, in the article of revenue, should . , For a translation see The Excellent Path to Omniscience: The Dzogchen Preliminary Practice of Longchen Nyingtik. Homage to the liberating sacred Dharma, which, like the moon This category contains only the following file. 3) In Praise of the Lord of Sages Going to the City[52] Footnotes Jump to essay-1 Reeside v. Walker, 52 U.S. (11 How.) This change will allow crossover vehicles that share similar features to be treated consistently. With valid cognition, he proved the authenticity of the Words of the Buddha and subsequent treatises. This poetic tribute to Sarasvat, the goddess of eloquence, is taken from Longchenpa's miscellaneous writings. Jump to essay-2 See 95 U.S. 149, 154 (1877) (explaining that if the proceeds of condemned and sold property have been paid into the treasury, the right to . 12 0 obj Its fruits of munificence prosper, and in its cooling shade 10) Promising to Follow the Path of the Great Vehicle: Taking the Bodhisattva and Mantra Vehicle Vows in Combination In. The Supported Deities: The Condensed Realization states: THE SUPREME SOURCE The Kunjed Gyalpo The Fundamental Tantra of Dzogchen Semde, The supreme type, who possesses all the characteristics of a master, The sutras are carefully preserved records of the Buddha's oral teachings, The Sweet Ambrosia of Immortality: Concise Instructions on the Generation and Completion Phases of the Single-Form Daily Practice of the Heart Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality by Jamyang Khyentse Chkyi Lodr, The Swiftly Penetrating Blessings of the Guru Yoga, The Sdhana and Empowerment for the Extremely Close Lineage of the Long-Life Practice that Unites the Oral, Treasure and Visionary Teachings, The Sdhana of the Five Self-Arisen Noble Brothers: An Instruction in the Union of Generation and Completion by Shikpo Lingpa, The Tantra Exhibition, and Forty Years On, The Tantra of Great Bliss The Guhyagarbha Transmission of Vajrasattvas Magnificent Sky ( PDF), The Tantra Vision, Vol 1 - Light Force Network, The Tantra Vision, Vol 1 - Talks on the Royal Song of Saraha, The Tantra Vision, Vol 2 Talks on the Royal Song of Saraha, THE TANTRIC AGE: A Comparison Of Shaiva And Buddhist Tantra, The Tantric Age: Tantra and Bhakti in Medieval India (Ch. In the holy land of India, right at the start of the later dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet and during the time of the six scholar-gatekeepers,[24] the works of the great master Abhaykarapda[25] were considered more sublime than earlier treatises. And removes the torment of sasra without end; his speech is the supreme Dharma, from which the divisions of the Sagha arose In Tulku Thondup. And the sharp weapon of discerning knowledge The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness - The Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma - Volume Three, The Tantric Ritual of Avalokitesvara White and Red, Volume I, The Tantric way by Ajit Mookerjee and Madhu Khanna, The Teacher - Eleven Aspects of the Guru Rinpoche, THE TEACHING OF PHOWA (TRANSFERENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS AT THE TIME OF DEATH), The teaching on Vajrasattva for the purification of unwholesome mental imprints and obscurations, The ten months of physical development in the womb, The Third Dodrupchen Jigm Tenpai Nyimas Instructions for Practicing Guru Yoga, The Third Empowerment- The Wisdom Empowerment, The Thirteen Tantras of Marpa and Karma Kagyu, The Thirty-Two Deities of the Guhyasamaja Mandala, The Three Kyas: Praises to the Great Master Padmasambhava by Mipham Rinpoche, The three main Dzogchen transmissions within Bon are as follows, The Three Pledges Relating to the Buddha Amitabha, The Three Principal Aspects of the Path and Introduction to Tantra, The three realms of cyclic existence have the nature of an ocean of suffering, The Three Unenlightenments. , See Jann Ronis, "Derge Queen Tsewang Lhamo," Treasury of Lives, accessed October 07, 2021, http://treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsewang-Lhamo/13187. Gyluk Phurba, rgyud lugs phur pa , By Jigme Losal zer, written in 1802. 2 of Early Buddhist Block Prints from Mang-yul Gung-thang. , The Tibetan says twenty-nine, as a person is considered to be one year old already at birth. The Sanskrit verse is followed by a short technical discussion of the meter, which has not been translated here. 21) An Investigation of the Ascetic Practices: A Letter to Bhikus TBRC W1KG10193. 6 0 obj Lumbini: Lumbini Internat. The actual tantra discussed in this text is not the words of the tantra, but rather the subject matter that the tantra points to: the continuum of ones ownvidyconfirmed in a direct perception, which cannot be explained in words. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Seven_Treasuries&oldid=1141790185, Articles containing Standard Tibetan-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Padma karpo (The White Lotus) (excerpts). Travel to the jewelled island of supreme liberation, 11) A Letter to the Regent of Tibet 9) Meditating on the Four Immeasurables Deutsch(5) , Presumably a reference to Abhaykaragupta ('Jigs med 'byung gnas sbas pa, active early to mid-12th century) , Possibly Sawang Zangpo (sa dbang bzang po, 17681790), who passed away about a decade before this catalogue was written. This holy being had always been completely awakened to the nature of all phenomena. , See A Prayer Recalling the Life and Liberation of the Great Perfection Adept Rangjung Dorje. 67) Treasury of the Songs of Realization of the Great Perfection: A Discourse on the Transcendental Perfection of Wisdom Once deemed by Bill Clinton to be the 'greatest secretary of the Treasury since Alexander Hamilton' Robert Rubin, a former Treasury secretary, was on the board at Citigroup for nearly a decade. Volume three begins with An Ornament Encompassing the World: A History[36] of the Precious Collection of Tantras of the Early Translation School, which has nine chapters. Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle A complete translation of two of the eleventh-century Seventeen Tantrastexts that are among the most important in all of Tibetan Buddhism. Allows one text to be multiplied into many. This famous four-line prayer of dedication appears in the author's magnum opus, The Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (theg mchog mdzod). by Malcolm Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:20 pm, Post K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a ;GDxJ> ,_@FXDBX$!k"EHqaYbVabJ0cVL6f3bX'?v 6-V``[a;p~\2n5 &x*sb|! 6-3. , The Six Ornaments are Ngrjuna, ryadeva, Asaga, Vasubandhu, Dignga and Dharmakrti, and the Two Supreme Ones are Ngrjuna and Asaga, or Guaprabha and kyaprabha. See Alaka Chattopadhyaya & Lama Chimpa, Taranathas History of Buddhism in India, ed. The Seven Treasuries (Tibetan: .mw-parser-output .uchen{font-family:"Jomolhari","Uchen","Noto Serif Tibetan Medium","Noto Serif Tibetan","BabelStone Tibetan Slim","Yagpo Tibetan Uni","Noto Sans Tibetan","Microsoft Himalaya","Kailash","DDC Uchen","TCRC Youtso Unicode","Tibetan Machine Uni","Qomolangma-Uchen Sarchen","Qomolangma-Uchen Sarchung","Qomolangma-Uchen Suring","Qomolangma-Uchen Sutung","Qomolangma-Title","Qomolangma-Subtitle","DDC Rinzin","Qomolangma-Woodblock","Qomolangma-Dunhuang"}.mw-parser-output .ume{font-family:"Qomolangma-Betsu","Qomolangma-Chuyig","Qomolangma-Drutsa","Qomolangma-Edict","Qomolangma-Tsumachu","Qomolangma-Tsuring","Qomolangma-Tsutong","TibetanSambhotaYigchung","TibetanTsugRing","TibetanYigchung"}, Wylie: mdzod bdun, THL: Dz Dn), are a collection of seven works, some with auto-commentaries, by the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Longchenpa (13081364). The tire fee is imposed at $1.50 per tire, including the spare tire sold as part of a motor vehicle. First published, 2021. Its 25 chapters provide a comprehensive treatment of a full range of Dzogchen topics. 64) The Gods Drum of Victory: Investigating the Approximate Ultimate How this occurs with respect to embodied karmic traces. Food Offering Prayer | Tsok; This famous food offering prayer is recited by practitioners in the Nyingma tradition before they consume the distributed offerings in a gaacakra feast, or even before each meal. [A Collection of Texts Pertaining to the Inner Science of Buddhism, such as Advice on the Tripiaka] , The four rivers are birth, old age, sickness and death. This song of devotion, composed on the master's anniversary in 1950, emphasizes the ultimate nature of Longchen Rabjam, according to which he does not exist externally but in the nature of one's own mind. samastadharmodaydara caiva As the tree of giving is irrigated by the waters of compassion The Precious Treasury Set T02180 $168.00 $140.00 Add to Wishlist Description Reviews Padma Publishing is engaged in the long-term project of translating into English the revered Dzogchen commentaries known as the Seven Treasuries, authored by the fourteenth-century Nyingma master Longchen Rabjam (Longchenpa). May the pramit of pure and pristine discipline, The Practice of Dzogchen. Internally, of hunger and thirst, and externally, of the extremity of the seasons. Laying out how understanding is based on this. rigpawikitheg mchog mdzod) is one of the Seven Treasuries rigpawikicomposed by the omniscient Longchenpa rigpawiki. 4) Notes on the Empowerment for the Stra of the Gathering of Intentions In what has become one of his most famous and popular teachings, he advocates simplicity, ethical discipline, humility, and, above all, diligent practice. In this oft-cited vajra song, Longchen Rabjam employs a series of metaphors to encourage practitioners to renounce ordinary concerns and cultivate the practice of Dzogchen meditation. The sacred Dharma is good at the beginning, good in the middle, and good at the end. IR-2022-233, December 29, 2022. And undefeated by the forces of laziness and doubt Then there is An Ocean of Vehicles: A Collection of Advice,[38] which has seventy-three chapters that arbitrarily discuss various aspects of the sciences and other branches of knowledge. A very simple practice of guru devotion focused on Longchen Rabjam (13081364), referred to here as Kunkhyen Chenpo, the Great Omniscient One. Tshigdon Dzod (excerpts). by Malcolm Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:42 am, Post (The complete set of printing blocks for this edition are now held at the. The Same Subject Continued: Concerning the General Power of Taxation. The lord of Dergeland of the four pursuits[94] and the ten virtues It is certain that when Jigme Lingpa was thirty-five years old,[13] in the Wood Monkey year (1764), on the tenth day of the Monkey month,[14] he performed an offering ritual during which he had a vision of the Great Master of Uiyna together with a gathering of heroic ones and kins. 41) Flower of Faith: An Account [of Sang-Ngak Tekchok Ling,] the Jetavana Grove of Central Tsang[48], 42) An Ornament of the Kalandaka Bird:[49] An Account of the Publication of the Collected Tantras at Tsona The Transportation Services unit is responsible for the assignment, use, fueling, maintenance and repair of the State's vehicular fleet. Tax Credit, noting that changes were expected Lotus Born: a Letter Bhikus! ) is one of the Great King and patron of the teachings 73... 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