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', //if the item doesn't exist, return null subscriptionFinishDate: purchase.granted_by_purchase.finish_at, Her parents were Muslim but she herself never really embraced any religion, she said.Becoming upset, she said they were a happy family until problems began between her parents in 1982 and they divorced.Asked about religion, she said she was \u0026amp;quot;always really attracted to the crucifix, I just love it\u0026amp;quot;, and that led to her going to a Catholic church in 1982.She bought a rosary and when a friend told her the rosary \u0026amp;quot;would not work\u0026amp;quot; unless a priest blessed it, she approached a priest after mass and asked him to bless her rosary, she said.That priest was Fr Richard Burke.He asked her to come to mass next Sunday and did so.
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