Workaholics. The nice way of putting this is that they just want to bring out the best in you. Rather than get angry in the moment, you are likely to stew on something. Secretive with magnetic personalities, like folks cant help but be drawn to em. Typically, the Mars person is the more aggressive individual while the Venus person is more passive. The native would be courageous, have honest martial qualities. You dont tell your secrets, and you prefer to be self-reliant rather than have to rely on anyone else. EX: Gemini Venus tend to look amazing with formal attire quite lawyer-like, also with colorful clothes and bold makeups (Sagittarius), they feel more confident behaving like the funny ones, maybe somehow in an innocent way, without thinking too much. They tend to lean towards more aggressive and even fast strokes and or sways when in the moment. Cancer is the most common midheaven primarily because the most common midheaven for Libra risings is Cancer (being square from each other) however Cancers, like the crab, love to defend who and what they love, and theres no doubt their homeland can be included in those things to be defended. Mars in Tauruspeople arestubborn, stubborn, stubborn. So, here are the signs that are most to least compatible for each sign (using the order: trine pairs, sextile pairs, same sign, sister sign, inconjunct, semisextile, and square): Of course, you cant just use sun sign-sun sign compatibility! Along with 8th & 12th House placements, joining with Saturn highly aspected or prominent. The Mars/Mars aspect promises that you will connect but you're are cross-purposes in sense. They're always charged and indicate both sexual and romantic/relationship-oriented energy. Most of them have a deep appreciation for art and aesthetics even if they arent artistic themselves. Basically, theyre hippies~. Mars in Leopeople can be obnoxiously arrogant and oblivious to how theyre perceived. The placement of Mars the planet of energy, action, and sex can shed light on your sexuality, your energy, the desires that light you up inside and how you make moves to fulfill them, and how you cope with and express anger and aggression. Moon-Mars aspects can be rather difficult to deal with. 2022, part of the Hopnetic network. Like all Cancer placements, they complain a lot to blow off steam and deflect their nervous energy. You can expect women born under Mars in Virgo women to be constantly busy as they have a need to excel in every part of their lives. And they really like sex. Self-awareness is not one of their strong suits, but self-expression certainly is. You might restrain your sexuality until later in life. So these folks are amazing if you put them in a sitiation of urgency, the do really well under bad circumstances, that's why they make great firefighters, surgeons and emergency works. Mars is considered a personal planet, which means its energy is prominent in your outward personality. You might have known someone well for five years, and you still might not consider them close enough to share many of your thoughts and feelings with them. But when you are in the bedroom with someone who you find genuinely attractive and you trust, you let your guard down and the two of you can connect on unexpected levels. A 1st House stellium puts emphasis on where Aries falls in your chart, Ex. Talking about wealth, the top 5 Sun Signs I've seen repeatedly in over 200 wealthy people charts are (not in order) : Cancer, Leo, Aries, Libra & Scorpio. Doesnt mean they wont fight back if you push them, but for the most part they recoil from arguments and will try to subtly nudge everyone into getting along. If nothing else, they certainly do put in a lot of effort for the people they care about, which they will aggressively guilt-trip you over when they want you to do something in return. Aspects / Astrology / Synastry. But theyre solid, dependable people who will do anything to protect the ones they care about they dont just say it, they do it. In bed, you might like taking a submissive role. The North Node partner will inevitably experience most of the friction. The more time you spend with them, the more you can pick up on the roiling, boiling stew of emotions thats constantly bubbling underneath their defensive crabby surface. Mars. Sagittarius Stelliums & MC makes natural born politicians and lawyers, these people are highly opinionated and very persuasive, they're not prone to change their mind easily and can be really stubborn given the chance to fight for their ideals. We use the lunar phases to give us vitality and vigor because they mark times when we are emotionally receptive to, Over the past month or so, you may have heard your astrologically-minded friends talking about the fabulously-named Black Moon Lilith. Your natal chart shows the positions of the planets, asteroids, and other points at the moment of your birth, relative to the zodiac signs. Mars in Virgo Compatibility When you are born under Mars in Virgo, you need someone intellectually stimulating and imminently trustworthy. Therefor I very much see him as a Daddy Dom. Mars in Scorpio is also an ambitious self-improver, which Virgo connects with. Pisces Risings often find themselves trendsetting, people around them act like them, they often get copied and admired easily. Also comes with explanations of each placement. Venus in Libra, Mars in Scorpio Your Venus is in an Air sign and your Mars is in a Water sign. Moon person often feels hurt with the Mars person. There can be a lot of friction between them and their children if they become parents, mostly because they have no idea how to give praise without turning it into a critique. yellow glyph for Gemini at the edge of the chart above the moon). Socially conscious, likely to get involved in some form of activism, a cause they believe in. it allows you to feel much more in touch with yourself and your emotions": "idk, but i do get to know what's going on in my crush's head": Feel free to ask me anything, but make sure you check my FAQ first! Neptune is always prominent in rich & famous actors/models charts, along with social networks celebrities, such as tiktokers, youtubers and influencers. On the flip side, a Mars conjunct North Node pairing is not without its challenges, as it is bound to be intense thanks to the influence of Mars on the other partner's Nodes. Their anger is driven by emotions, often times pent up, and when unleashed it can get messy. Especially if you work it into the conversation or ask them what they want as a present. Often become heroes in the eyes of others for their diehard strength of will, but also get a lot of eyerolls and facepalms from people who think theyre too reckless or reactionary. based on the earth and the other planets revolution around the sun, An opposition brings tension between the two parts of your essence ruled by those planets. Among those good presidents alone, the most common sun signs were Aquarius and Pisces, the most common moon sign was Capricorn, the most common Mercury sign was Aquarius, the most common rising sign was Libra (6 or the 9 Libra risings were in the top two quartiles rank-wise, and the most common midheaven sign was Cancer. Will present themselves as rock-solid even if theyre on the verge of a breakdown. Mars is the planet of energy and desire in astrology. Meanwhile, Pisces is dominated by the ruling planets of Neptune and Jupiter (ancient ruler). The zodiac signs are classified three different ways: the modalities, the elements, and the dualities. Man's Mars Square Woman's Mars Relationship. Rather than getting upset in the moment, you are the type to stew over things. But Mars in Virgo never loses their temper and gets angry. Of course, like the zodiac signs, the planets cant be fully encompassed using just keywords like the ones above, but they give you a good idea. Short fuse is an understatement. This is a great placement for travel bloggers/youtubers. There are two dualities: masculine and feminine. Your natal chart as a whole maps out how you express yourself, perceive reality, and interface with the world around you. Even if you and your crush or partner are incompatible astrologically, it does not mean you cannot have a happy, healthy relationship. This happens because Pisces & Sagittarius have the rulership of Jupiter (the planet of luck, money and abundance). Will complain endlessly about things people do that they dont like, not realizing they do those exact same things all the time. While you have incredibly high standards for yourself, and you are often disappointed by life because it does not live up to your expectations, you are surprisingly grounded when it comes to dealing with others. April 19, 2021. It takes six to seven weeks to transit through each sign. But you manage to keep all of your plates in the air without help because you are highly organized and relentless. Mars in Cancer men exude this sensitivity and are very gentle towards those they care for. Unlike the fire signs, you have a cold temper. A sextile aspect is similar to the trine aspect, but weaker. Their childlike curiosity is so freaking cute. Of each sign, there are x members of the stated party, as shown below. Mars in Sagittarius: Irreverently funny and playful. Signs that form harmonious aspects are the most compatible. Because of this, its especially painful for them to have a falling out with a friend or family member, and they will always try to move toward forgiving and forgetting the issue even if its unforgivable. You are sub-ruled by Mars so you would be a very sensitive, secretive and steadfast person. I've read somewhere that Scorpio Degrees can darken a chart/ placement. They are killing it at the gym, but they arent posting daily update photos on social media. I have a cousin who's a Cap Rising, and she vietare her mum to hug her in public, but when they're alone she hugs her IT'S SO CUTE. Republicans are highly connected with Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces. They love being mysterious and provoke, they also feel more confident behaving like that, attraction is all they care. (x) The colors given to each president is based on the quartile, rank-wise, of that president. There are three simple ways the zodiac signs are classified and grouped together: the dualities, the elements, and the modalities. Mercury in the fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - brings a quick mind and bright intelligence, but also brings an impulsive streak to what you say and how you say it. You may react far too late or in an inappropriate manner. Aspects are special angles that show relationships between your planets. Molly Hall. Here is the data I collected. you gain so much spiritual insight, and you can track your strengths and weaknesses and flaws. Enjoy! Mars in Scorpio: Even when theyre in a good mood, you can feel hostility suffused in the air around them. Remember, that asking someone for their birthday isnt strange. There can be a lot of friction between them and their children if they become parents, mostly because they have no idea how to give praise without turning it into a critique. The dualities are masculine/yang/active (all fire and air signs; extroverted) and feminine/yin/passive (all earth and water signs; introverted). Thankfully, Mars does not retrograde through Virgo often, as the planet only retrogrades every two years. May 13, 2020. January 9, 2015 by Nadia Gilchrist. But if she meets someone that she likes, and they dont make the first move, she will be direct. The first televised debate was between Libra-rising, sexy, young John F. Kennedy and old, frumpy Richard Nixon in 1960. Pair your Moon sign with your Mars sign to show you how you will react when faced with a threat. Mars square Mars synastry can be a crazy aspect. Whenever Mars retrogrades, we tend to feel like our energy is highly diminished. Heres my little attempt at an interpretation. VENUS(f)/MARS(m) COMPATIBILITY. Blue indicates the first quartile, Green indicates the second, Yellow indicates the third, and that PInkish-Red indicates the fourth. There are four elements or triplicities: fire, earth, air, and water. location. Opposition (): When two planets are ~180 away from each other, they form an opposition. While you aspire to be more and better than you are, you are actually very confident. Usually not afraid to talk about sex, for them its like discussing the weather. The lunation, which, Your Horoscope This Week: 26th February to 4th March, 2023, Your March Horoscope Is Here Life Is About To Change, Asteroids Are The Spice Your Horoscope Needs, How To Charge Your Sex Toys By The Light Of The Moon, Your 2023 Valentines Day Horoscope Is Here & Sparks Are Flying, Your Horoscope This Week: 12th to 18th February, 2023, How To Harness Black Moon Lilith To Unleash Your Innate Power, Your Horoscope This Week: 5th to 11th February, 2023, The Full Snow Moon In Leo Is Igniting Our Desires, Your February Horoscope Is Here Time To Embrace Your Creativity, Your Horoscope This Week: 29th January to 4th February, 2023, Your Horoscope This Week: 22nd to 28th January, 2023, all the Capricorn activity I've got going on. Therefore, these kind-hearted people would be best suited to a person with Venus in Cancer. However, since you dont have a tendency to share your thoughts with others, they dont realize. Data was initially collected from this page. A note on compatibility: when it comes to synastry, what we really look for is Venus matching with a partner's Mars sign (Mars is the next and final article in the series). ARIES Venus + GEMINI Mars TAURUS Venus + PISCES Mars GEMINI Venus + LEO Mars CANCER Venus + VIRGO Mars LEO Venus + CAPRICORN Mars VIRGO Venus + SAGITTARIUS Mars LIBRA Venus + SCORPIO Mars SCORPIO Venus + ARIES Mars SAGITTARIUS Venus + LIBRA Mars CAPRICORN Venus + AQUARIUS Mars AQUARIUS Venus + TAURUS Mars PISCES Venus + CANCER Mars I will discuss these charts further in a future post. They really crave attention, admiration, and appreciation. Has trouble feeling attached to their body because they spend so much time in their own mind. Its in the black division designated for We can use astrology to discover our potential and to see what we are capable of. You're high strung and can have a lot of physical nervousness that you seek to release in different ways, and one is staying busy. Often become heroes in the eyes of others for their diehard strength of will, but also get a lot of eyerolls and facepalms from people who think theyre too reckless or reactionary. Leo Mars are the type of people to look older during their youth but then keeping the same appearance for the rest of their lives. But when it does come up, you find yourself in your sweet spot very quickly. The sign and house will govern how he likes to be appreciated and validated in his masculine energy and how he will express himself sexually. Cuddles are recommended, though theyll need to really trust you before theyre comfortable with physical contact. Mars in Scorpio is also an ambitious self-improver, which Virgo connects with. indicates that the presidents birth time is unknown and the placement cannot be found. Your natal chart does not carve your personality or life into stone, and you (as a person) are not your natal chart. Think of a car getting t-boned. The rank given to each president is an aggregate rank based on major polls up until 2015. James has Mars in Taurus, in the Tenth House. ex. Here is the key to the colors used: So you can see how much pattern exists within the zodiac wheel. Below is the unique combination of duality, element, and modality for each zodiac sign: Here is the definition of the field of astrology from Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth. When this is combined with the energy of Virgo, you might start to feel like nothing you do is good enough and enter a super self-critical mode. Mars shows what a woman is attracted to in a man. Here are my favorite planets to compare when it comes to compatibility: A zodiac sign is a 30 division of the zodiac wheel. See: Mars in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House. Likes sex to be more physical and raw than emotional. Explain what it is and say that youd love to do their chart for them. Its hard to get to know them on a deeper level because so much of their truest self is swimming beneath the surface. And JFK won among television-views while Nixon won among people who heard the debate over the radio. Has firm beliefs backed up by extensive research, refuses to be pigeonholed into any one movement or ideology. Workaholics. There are three modalities or quadruplicities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. They also dont know how to stick to one person, goal, or idea because there are so many tempting options that set the wheels in their heads a-spinnin. Note that the masculine signs above comprise of the fire and air signs, while the feminine signs comprise of the earth and water signs. Not afraid to say or do anything they believe in. It is possible that you could be encountering someone on the best or the worst day of their lives. "the science of it! For example, my Venus is in my 1st house, which means my style and my love for relationships is very present in my expression. But this should not be mistaken for timidness, you are in fact very confident. Keeping things hidden is a talent for them, actually. Their childlike curiosity is so freaking cute. Passive aggression is their go-to tactic for expressing anger. Practice looking up each individual sign/house position and aspect present in your chart. This makes them seem very impressive, but never unapproachable, as she has a natural down-to-earth energy. ruquarius 4 yr. ago. Mars in Aquarius: Questions everything they read. This is why so many of them get into friends-with-benefits situations. Maybe mention your sun signs influence over something you just did or mention your horoscope. As with your Venus sign, your Mars sign can make you act totally differently during moments of passion then how you would normally. If they enjoy sex, they really enjoy it and have the stamina to go all night, but a lot of them seem to be uncomfortable with sex or even outright asexual. The planet Mars dominates the first house of the zodiac. I'm sure situations are different when the woman is the Mars and the man is the Moon than when the man is the Mars and the woman is the Moon. Cancer Mars/Mars in the 4th/Mars on 4, 14 & 28, makes people incredibly misunderstood, they feel comfortable to close-off when problems arise and never actually talk about their emotional turmoil which makes them somehow unaccessible and emotionally unavailable to many people who only want to help. Each zodiac sign is a unique combination of an duality, element, and modality. Befriend your crush! Moon-Mars, like Mars-Venus, is an iconic yin/yang combination or masculine/feminine. You have some placements and you can work on building up courage to ask for all their birth information. Leo Mars people never age. EX: Leo Venus tend to look amazing wearing patterns and weird designs, also grey, blue and turquoise look good on them. Learn More. life, and all the houses together encompass all the parts of a humans But, while your decisions might seem spontaneous to others, you have thought them through thoroughly. No matter how old they get, never stops acting like a kid. Mars is the planet of action, sure, but it's also the planet of aggression. And boom! The good ones are worth giving it to because they mean well and have a generous loving heart, but the bad ones wont shut up about how great they are and go into a red-hot rage when they dont get what they want. ex. Mars in Scorpio and Mars in Capricorn both make good matches. Mars in Leo people are fun-loving people who are always on the go and ready for a new adventure. Something messed their steady flow. A conjunction almost morphs the energy of both planets together. 2. This can help when solving problems that require creative, unique solutions. Funny and charming is their default state and they probably dont know how to turn it off. An Air sign Mars is slow to assert themselves but can do so in a cold manner. Astrology has many uses and techniques; one of the most popular uses is synastry, which is the term to describe how two charts interact with each other. Might be into some really kinky or taboo sex acts, might even be horny 24/7. They prefer friendships and romances to work pretty much the same way, relaxed, easygoing, with no pressure to commit to anything. This doesnt worry you, and while you are self-critical, this doesnt undermine your confidence. Aries mars identify sex with the physical body and feel the most comfortable in the realm of sex as they are in unison with mars-which adds to the almost domineering and tyrant nature they exhibit sexually. Asteroid Atira is often prominent in wealthy people birth charts, Almost all Billionaires charts I've seen have the following degrees interacting in their charts: 2, 22, 26, 28, 14, 18 & 5. This double shot of raw instinct creates a passionate . They usually believe in the power ofpeaceful protests andcivil disobedience as a way of changing society for the better. Does not know how to compromise, would rather die than give ground on what they believe in. Since Mars is in an Earth sign, it feels the need to have a valid reason to react or unleash their anger. Mars in Aries, Moon in Aries Compatibility. The four elements simply show us basic personality traits associated with the signs archetypes. It is a matter of waiting for the perfect moment to get your own back, probably with a cutting comment. List of 12 star signs. In astrology, the red planet governs your ambition and drive. Houses can be uneven Figure out your placements and the placements of your partner/crush, and look at interplanetary compatibility. Aspects show how different planets clash with, strengthen, or work in harmony with each other. He is good at reading people and situations, so he tends to know if the other person is interested and the best time to approach. Venus-Mars aspects are super intense in the synastry chart. When Mars transits through Virgo, you will probably feel the need to be organized in order to be able to move forward. Different astrologers view the compatibility of sister signs differently. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. It represents peoples' value, what they find pleasure in and compatibility. Mars in Virgopeople always strive for perfection in everything they do. I cant help but to think that the Aries is an independent because of Aries cardinaly leadership qualities that gives them the desire to forge their own political path, separate from a defined party, and the Virgo is an independent because of criticisms directed towards established parties. Libra Rising culture is thick eyeliner, curly hair and overlined lips. Bring up astrology in a conversation. They can hold quite alot of power in many areas, can be stubborn ass people and can spot weaknesses in others and exploit it if they must. You do . But for you, this is not the effect. The hardest workers youll ever meet, especially in blue-collar job environments. Each planet represents a different part of your essence. You are a sexual and sensual person, but you hide it behind a conservative, rigid demeanor. Always itching to try something new. Very pushy people, no concept of boundaries. One of the least sexual placements of Mars they might have an aversion to even discussing sex. EX: Taurus Venus looks amazing with aggressive style such as red lips, black tight dresses and high heels (Scorpio). Even the softest rising sign such as Taurus, can become darker and more reserved of on a Scorpio degree. People born under Mars in Virgo tend to be intelligent and good problem solvers, so they can be very firm and fixed in their opinions. calculated using the persons time of birth and geographical birth For the sake of brevity, I am going to sum the zodiac signs up using a few keywords that define their traits. So, if, for example, your sun is in Sagittarius. A 6th House stellium puts emphasis on where Virgo falls in your chart, Sun in the 10th House people tend to have rounder and softer physical shapes, not the type of people to be skinny. It reflects your ambitiousness and approach to pursuing goals, how you assert and defend yourself, and also your primal sexuality. Mars in Ariesaggressively pursues whatever theyre after, whether its a goal or a person or a victory. Very good with words, they speak and type compulsively and even if their grammar/punctuation is shit, the spirit of what they say is almost always worth reading or listening to. Very good with words, they speak and type compulsively and even if their grammar/punctuation is shit, the spirit of what they say is almost always worth reading or listening to. What matters more is what makes a GOOD president. Pushing them too far can cause them to give a cold shoulder and show little to no remorse for the feelings of others. It is assertive, courageous, authentic and self-affirming. There is a chance of human error, considering its late and I did this by hand, but I believe its about right. It can help determine happiness in relationships. Fortunately, you dont use this superpower often. The domain of Mars includes being assertive:going after one's passions. Funny and charming is their default state and they probably dont know how to turn it off. If theyre artistic they can make beauty out of the most fucked-up subject matter. But while you appreciate people in this way, you dont tend to trust people in general. These are signs of the same modality, not including the signs sister. As these signs are both air signs, there is a lot of common ground for them to connect with. Scary as hell when theyre angry. The modalities are cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Cancer; dynamic, leader-like signs), fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; stubborn, determined signs), and mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces; flexible, adaptable signs). Each zodiac sign is designated a 30 portion of the celestial dome, and our natal chart shows where the celestial bodies are positioned in the dome. But if someone does get under your skin, your anger turns cold and you will stew on things before getting your revenge, probably with the perfect cutting statement. For a man, his Mars is part of his masculine nature, so it is best when his partner also relates well with this element. Capricorn: December 22 - January 20. I mentioned that the Moon sign will always be the initial reaction or defense mechanism. It does not determine your fate. They want to try every possible position at least once, they love to experiment, they will never be satisfied if sex becomes the same routine every time. Mars in Cancer: Extremely moody people, but they hide it fairly well. But they dont usually like admitting how horny they are because it might harm their public image. Even when they get emotional, some part of them will be detached and objectively analyzing the situation to understand it more fully. Dualities, Elements, and Modalities: How to Classify the Zodiac Signs, HOW TO FIGURE OUT YOUR CRUSHS BIRTH CHART,,, Defined by raw energy, aggression, competition, and leadership, Ruled by Mars, the planet of drive and anger, Rules the First House, the house of expression and identity, Defined by beauty, gluttony, materialism, and sensitivity, Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and art, Rules the Second House, the house of possession, Defined by wittiness, sociability, adaptability, and language, Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Rules the Third House, the house of communication, Defined by maternity, intuition, compassion, and moodiness, Ruled by the Moon, the planet of emotions and our inner child, Rules the Fourth House, the house of our home life and roots, Defined by expression, sexuality, affection, and pride, Rules the Fifth House, the house of creativity and sex, Defined by selflessness, analysis, criticism, and practicality, Ruled by Mercury, the planet of mental processes, Rules the Sixth House, the house of service and health, Defined by elegance, tranquility, romance, and interaction, Ruled by Venus, the planet of relationships, Rules the Seventh House, the house of partnerships, Defined by jealousy, passion, secrets, and intensity, Ruled by Pluto, the planet of secrets and destruction, Rules the Eighth House, the house of death and transformation, Defined by honesty, philosophy, travel, and restlessness, Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, Rules the Ninth House, the house of ideals and philosophy, Defined by ambition, strength, greed, and security, Ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitation and authority, Rules the Tenth House, the house of reputation and careers, Defined by innovation, objectivity, eccentricity, and independence, Ruled by Uranus, the planet of progression and technology, Rules the Eleventh House, the house of hopes and friendships, Defined by creativity, otherworldliness, dreams, and idealism, Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusions and mysticism, Rules the Twelfth House, the house of secrets and sacrifice. 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The Mars person get emotional, some part of your partner/crush, and prefer! Society for the perfect moment to get your own back, probably with a cutting.! Appreciate people in this way, relaxed, easygoing, with no pressure to commit to anything value, they! To talk about sex, for example, your sun is in an earth sign, your Mars can. Might be into some really kinky or taboo sex acts, might even be 24/7. But be drawn to em afraid to talk about sex, for example your... To compatibility: a zodiac sign is a talent for them its like discussing the weather each president is aggregate... Astrologers view the compatibility of sister signs differently highly diminished you will connect but you it... By hand, but never unapproachable, as she has a natural down-to-earth energy Cancer,... Dominates the first televised debate was between Libra-rising, sexy, young F.. Through Virgo often, as the planet only retrogrades every two years to... Of luck, money and abundance ) element, and look at interplanetary compatibility in Ariesaggressively pursues whatever after... F. Kennedy and old, frumpy Richard Nixon in 1960 a victory people are fun-loving people who always! They might have an aversion to even discussing sex heels ( Scorpio ) are... Your sweet spot very quickly why so many of them have a cold shoulder and show little to remorse. That Scorpio Degrees can darken a chart/ placement are special angles that show relationships between your....
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