(February 23, 2023). Each country's circumstances are unique, but in Myanmar, a country with deep Buddhist roots, it is a legal offence for women to ordain as a bhikkhuni, and punishable by imprisonment. (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series no.207) 87-90 Hamilton Asia BQ408 .B83 2001, Cohen, Paul T.(2000), Lue across borders: pilgrimage and the Muang Sing reliquary in northern Laos, In: Evans, Grant; Hutton, Chris; Kuah, Khun Eng, eds. Prince Siddhrtha Gautama went, in Buddhist language, on the "Middle Way," a life of moderate asceticism, between lay life and extreme asceticism. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1981. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1993. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Lanna Cultural Center, Rajabhat Institute Chiang Mai; Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2000. 1.3 Political structures in Southern India *Sinhala Dynasties. Dynamics of ethnic cultures across national boundaries in Southwestern China and Mainland Southeast Asia: relations, societies and languages. After Buddha's death in the fourth century bce, his disciples held a meeting at Rjagha, which is historically regarded as the First Council. New York : St. Martin's Press Hamilton Asia BQ554 .S65 1977b, Smith, Bardwell L. (1978) Religion and legitimation of power in Thailand, Laos, and Burma /, editor Chambersburg, PA : ANIMA Books, Hamilton Asia BQ554 .R44, Sukumar Sengupta (1994). 374p. Richmond, Surrey, England: Curzon Press, 2001. The transformative power of cloth in Southeast Asia. Toward an environmental ethic in Southeast Asia. *After Buddhism was introduced in 3rd BCE, Buddhism became the . (1992), Revival without revivalism: the case of the Buddhists of Malaysia, Sojourn: Social Issues in Southeast Asia (Singapore) 7, no.2 (Aug) 326-335, Liow, Woon Khin Benny (1989) Buddhist temples and association in Penang, 1845-1948Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society (Kuala Lumpur) 62, no.1 57-87, Mohamed Yusoff Ismail (1990), Buddhism among the Siamese of Kelantan: minority religion in a Muslim state, Jurnal Antropologi dan Sosiologi (Kuala Lumpur) 18 55-69, Muhammad Kamal Hassan (1977) A brief survey of Buddhist ascetic practicesAkademika (Kuala Lumpur) no.10 (Jan) 67-76, Vijaya Samarawickrama (2001) Bar Council Malaysia seminar on freedom of religion: the Buddhist view, INSAF: The Journal of the Malaysian Bar (Kuala Lumpur) Special issue 43-54, MALAYSIA : BOOKS, OR BOOK CHAPTERSMohamed Yusoff Ismail (1993), Two faces of Buddhism: Chinese participation in Thai Theravada temples in Kelantan, In: Cheu, Hock Tong, ed. Contemporary Laos: studies in the politics and society of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. In Tibet there were traditions of women pilgrims, ascetics, and even community leaders and teachers who were recognized by the community at large. According to the local Mon and Burman traditions, this is Suvarnabhumi, the area visited by missionaries from the Ashokan court. The Hindu and Buddhist Tantric groups (practicing occult, sometimes sexual, meditative techniques) represent esoteric countermonasticism in India, though these practices have been accepted fully in certain Tibetan Buddhist hierarchies. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, 1991. Horner, Isaline B., trans. 1982 148-162 Hamilton Asia DS555.84 .C66 1982, MALAYSIA: JOURNAL ARTICLESBlagden, C.O. Even though monks and monasteries were outside of temporal society and did not recognize conventional social and political authority structures, relationships between monasteries and governments were often symbiotic. r/Buddhism I love that in the vastness of the cosmos, with the likelihood it is teeming with countless varieties of life forms, that Buddhism is not any less believable. In the 9th century a school of wall meditation was introduced by the Chinese monk Vo Ngon Thong. Some of the most renowned Buddhist monasteries in history were built in the Gupta period. In spite of the injunctions against individual monks owning money, the monastic literature allows the collective ownership of donated and community wealth. Mendelson, Sangha and State in Burma: A Study of Monastic Sectarianism and Leadership, ed. Its disciplinary, sartorial, and cenobitic settings are identical with those of the Hindu sannyasi. Priesthood, article on Buddhist Priesthood, https://www.encyclopedia.com/environment/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/monasticism-buddhist-monasticism, Politics and Religion: Politics and Buddhism. The Chinese form of Mahayana later spread to Korea, Japan and Vietnam. When Daoist settlements were cenobitic or celibate, these features were indeed incidental to Daoism, which defies and rejects rules of any corporate kind. CAMBODIA: BOOKS OR BOOK CHAPTERSAnonymous (1986) Buddhism and the future of Cambodia,. After his conversion he was an avid supporter of religion, especially Buddhist monastic institutions. Benn, James, Lori Meeks, and James Robson, eds. Notably thanks to the Buddhist concept of, Diverse items of Indian origin with Buddhist features were also found in mainland and peninsular Southeast Asian regions such as precious stones and glass beads, inscribed carnelian and terracotta seals, ivory objects and pottery. Mahyna Buddhism developed soon after the early schisms, and new theories, rituals, literature, and engagement with lay society were accommodated by and institutionalized in Buddhist monasteries. Though according to mainstream doctrine women can be enlightened, in the canonical versions of Buddhist monastic literature women are often cast in unflattering roles. Vajrayana Buddhism is most closely identified with Tibetan Buddhism, however, it also influenced parts of Southeast Asia and East Asia. During the division of India into small kingdoms in the Pla era (6501250), Buddhist monasteries consolidated into larger monastic institutions because of a lack of pan-Indian institutionalized support structures and because of the destruction of major Gupta monastic centers by invading armies. According to Buddhist tradition, the order of monks and nuns was founded by Gautama Buddha during his lifetime between the fifth and fourth centuries BCE when he accepted a group of fellow renunciants as his followers. (Berkeley Buddhist studies series, 2.) . of Anthropology, 1990. The Daoist settlements of sages, in forests and mountain glades as well as in the cities, are, at best, analogous to the eremitic type of proto-monasticism. Buddhism dogma was to a greater extent in favour of trade, and encouraged the commerce and the investment. Differences in living style between the northern (Mahayana, or Greater Vehicle) and the southern (Theravada, called Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle, in derogation) monastic institutions are quite radical. In Tibet and elsewhere, for example, monasteries received regular payments from profits and percentages of commodities produced or sold. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1999. The Sthaviras evidently saw a need to expand the Vinaya to meet changing conditions. The first dhyana (Zen; Vietnamese thien), or meditation, school was introduced by Vinitaruchi (Vinitaruci), an Indian monk who had gone to Vietnam from China in the 6th century. Montreal: Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies; Toronto: Museum for Textiles, 1994. By the 1100s C.E., Buddhism had declined mainly as a result of Muslim incursions. Oxford, 1991. There are, nonetheless, some documented illustrations of doctrinal and disciplinary evolution of the order. (1990), The Chinese Confucian and the Chinese Buddhist in British Burma, 1881-1947 Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 21, no.2 (Sep) 384-401, Krishan, Y (1998), Buddhism and caste system East and West (Rome) 48, nos.1-2 (Jun) 41-55, Leach, Edmund (1973) Buddhism in the post-colonial political order in Burma and Ceylon Daedalus (Cambridge, MA) 102, no.1 (Win 29-54, Min Zin (2000), Beyond dichotomies: a Buddhist perspective on Burmese politics, Burma Debate (New York) , 7, no.3 (Fall, 2000), 14-17, U Myat Saw (1978), Sangha and the threefold Buddhist practice, Maha Bodhi (Calcutta) , 86, nos.6-7 (Jun-Jul, 189-192, Myo Htin Kyaw (1985), The Burmese traditional enshrinement ceremony Forward (Rangoon) , 23, no.4, 31-35, Nandisena (1978), Oh come and see, Maha Bodhi (Calcutta) , 86, nos.6-7 (Jun-Jul,), 193-196, Elizabeth K Nottingham (1972), Buddhist meditation in Burma, Maha Bodhi (Calcutta) , 80, no.4 (Apr,), 95-98, Nyan Chit (1975), Bogyoke Aung San on Buddhism, Guardian (Rangoon) , 22, no.2 (Feb,), 25-26, Thein Kyipwayay Oo (1978), Buddhist traditional medical practice, Maha Bodhi (Calcutta) , 86, nos.11-12 (Nov-Dec,), 290-292, Bikkhu U Ottama (1978), Two origins of life or Paticca Samupadda, Guardian (Rangoon) , 25 (, 1978), 21-28, Robin Paynter (1995), Burmese Buddhism, CORMOSEA Bulletin (Ann Arbor, MI) , 24, no.1 (Jun, 1995), Pe Than (2000), A trip to Zalun to pay homage to country-returning Buddha, Guardian (Rangoon) , 47, no.2 (Feb,), 22-24, Pe Than (2000), Ceremonial conveyance of twenty-eight Buddha images, Guardian (Rangoon) , 47, no.9 (Sep, 2000), 15-16, Pe Than (2000), Consecration ceremonies, Guardian (Rangoon) , 47, no.4 (Apr), 22-23, Pe Than (1995), Counterpart of the Greek Sphinx, Guardian (Rangoon) , 42, no.9 (Sep, 19-21, Pe Than (1994), Data collection method of the ancient Myanmar, Guardian (Rangoon), 41, no.10 (Oct), 13-14, Pe Than (1995), Divine cure, Guardian (Rangoon) , 42, no.8 (Aug), 21-23, Pe Than (1995), Offering oil lamps in the river, Guardian (Rangoon) , 42, no.10 (Oct), 21-23, Pe Than (1997& 1998), Paintings and sculptures depicting Buddha's birth stories, Guardian (Rangoon) , 44, no.12 (Dec) 15-17 to 45, no.8 (Aug), various pagings, Pe Than (1999), Paintings and sculptures depicting Buddha's birth stories (continued) Guardian (Rangoon) , 46, no.9 (Sep, 1999), 18-20, Pe Than (1995), Replica of the Lord Buddha, Guardian (Rangoon) , 42, no.5 (May) 30-31; no.6 (Jun, 1995), 24-26, Pe Than (1999), Time to pay respects to elders, Guardian (Rangoon) , 46, no.10 (Oct), 16-18, Pfanner, David E. and Jasper C. Ingersoll (1962) Therevada Buddhism and Village Economic Bahavior: a Burmese and Thai Comparison, Journal of Asian Studies, 21: 341-366, Pollak, Oliver B. (Religion, history, and culture.) 9-28 Hamilton HM136 .S58 1975, Sarao, K.T.S. Groningen, Netherlands: Egbert Forsten, 2001. of plates. Direct involvement in lay legal matters on all social levels shows further that monasteries and lay political, social, economic, and legal institutions interacted closely in symbiotic relationships. 1v. In addition to endowments and donations, monasteries and individual monks were sometimes given, often via intermediaries, profit-making farms, farmlands, and livestock. 1998 77-86 Hamilton Asia Folio GE42 .T69 1998, Zago, Marcello (1976), Contemporary Khmer Buddhism, in Heinrich Dumoulin (ed) The Cultural, Political and Religious Significance of Buddhism in the Modern World, London: Collier Macmillan Publishers Hamilton BQ4015 .D8513, INDONESIA: JOURNAL ARTICLESAnonymous (1971), The Buddhasasana grows in Indonesia, Visakha Puja (Bangkok) (May) 58-61, Bechert, Heinz (1982-1983) Renaissance of Buddhism in Indonesia, Journal of the Department of Pali (Calcutta) 1: 24-30, Brown, Iem (1987), Contemporary Indonesian Buddhism and monotheism, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 18, no.1 (Mar 1987) 108-117, Chandra, Lokesh (1979), Yogatantra Buddhism in Indonesia and its bearing on the Borobodur, Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (Allahabad) 35, pts.1-2 (Jan-Jun) 1-73, Chandra, Lokesh (1985), Borobudur as a monument of esoteric Buddhism, Journal of the Asiatic Society (Calcutta) 27, no.4 : 22-77, Chandra, Lokesh; Singhal, Sudarshana Devi (1991), The Buddhist bronzes of Surocolo, Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies (Varanasi) 3, no.2: 8-20, Harnish, David (1993-1994), The future meets the past in the present: music and Buddhism in Lombok, Asian Music (New York) 25, nos.1-2: -50, Hobart, Angela (1990), The enlightened Prince Sutasoma: transformations of a Buddhist story, Indonesia (Ithaca, NY) no.49 (Apr) 75-102, Hose, G.F. (1880), The ruins of Boro Budur in Java, Journal of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society (Singapore) 6 (Dec) 203-223, 7p. Buddhism was and remains an international religion and was intended for transmission into different languages and cultures. Westport, Conn.; London: Greenwood, 1994. The severe legal constraints placed on aspiring bhikkhunis . 566p. de Casparis. "Buddhist Law according to the Theravda-Vinaya: A Survey of Theory and Practice." Building peace in the minds of men and women Expansion of Buddhism into Southeast Asia Since Buddhist monks used to travel with merchants, maritime trade relations between South and Southeast Asia played a major role for the expansion of Buddhism into the latter region. Indeed, in addition to places for meditation and worship, monasteries were centers for the study and practice of medicine, for writing and building library collections, for Buddhist arts, for adjudicating community disputes, and in general for serving the needs of host communities. Buddhism and revolution in Cambodia Cultural survival Quarterly. Music and movement in Vietnamese Buddhism [in special issue 'Body and ritual in Buddhist musical culture'; with preface by PD Green, 9-16] The World of Music. de Casparis. 333p. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1993. The Origins of Buddhist Monastic Codes in China: An Annoted Translation and Study of the Chanyuan qinggui. In two of these (the region of Malaysia/Indonesia and the region on the mainland extending from Myanmar to southern Vietnam), the main connections have been with India and Sri Lanka via trade routes. A dated but useful reference for the history of the Buddhist order. It was in a government's best interest to support and be validated by these institutions, and many of the most famous monasteries were built during the major dynastic periods throughout Asia. Power in the periphery and socio-religious change among the Karen: from nineteenth century Burma to Thailand today [English summary] [Japanese] Japanese journal of ethnology. Besides, archaeological findings in Beikthano situated in the western regions of modern Myanmar revealed a Buddhist stupa (Buddhist monument) having similarities with a stupa in Amaravathi in the eastern coasts of the Indian Subcontinent. Rather, the ultimate aim of the Daoist practitioner is longevity or ultimate physical immortality. A key factor in the historical success of the Buddhist monastic institution was its ability to function together with political authorities. Yangon: s.n., 1999. various pagings. (1982), Observations of the role of the Gandavyuha in the design of Barabudur, In: Gomez, Luis; Woodward, Hiram W. Jr., eds. (2002), The lotus unleashed : the Buddhist peace movement in South Vietnam, 1964-1966, Lexington, Ky. : University Press of Kentucky Hamilton Asia DS557.62 .T66 2002, Topmiller, Robert (1996), The Buddhist crisis of 1964, Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Hamilton Asia DS 559.62 .V5 T67 1996, SOUTHEAST ASIA: JOURNAL ARTICLESAndaya, Barbara Watson (2002), Localising the universal: women, motherhood and the appeal of early Theravada Buddhism, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 33, no.1 (Feb) 1-30, Houtart, Francois (1976) Buddhism and politics in Southeast Asia, Social Scientist (New Delhi) 5, no.3 (Oct) 3-23 and 5, no.4 (Nov) 30-45, Prem, Purachatra (1972) The influence of Buddhist literature in South East Asia Asian Pacific Quarterly of Cultural and Social Affairs (Seoul) 4, no.2 (Aug) 85-87, Ray, Niharranjan (1973) Buddhism in Southeast Asia, Indian and Foreign Review (New Delhi) 10, no.7 (Jan 15 1973) 19-, Rutledge, Paul (1986) Southeast Asian religions: a perspective on historical Buddhism within the developing states of Southeast Asia, East Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore) 4, no.2 (Oct) 138-169, Schober, Juliane (1995) The Theravada Buddhist engagement with modernity in Southeast Asia: whither the social paradigm of the galactic polity?, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 26, no.2 (Sep) 307-325, Siraporn Nathalang (1999) Conflict and compromise between the indigenous beliefs and Buddhism as reflected in Tai-Thai rice myths Tai Culture: International Review on Tai Cultural Studies (Berlin) 4, no.2 (Dec 86-95, Skilling, Peter (1997) The advent of Theravada Buddhism to mainland South-East Asia, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (Northfield, MN) 20, no.1 (Sum 93-107, SOUTHEAST ASIA: BOOKS OR BOOK CHAPTERSAhir, D.C., ed. The first example of Buddhism's adaptability to its cultural environment is in India itself. They usually lack a body of rules and conventions that would be recognized or accepted by a wider Hindu-Buddhist-Jain consensus. Buddhism: a modern perspective. A new form of authoritarianism has emerged in Southeast Asia since the mid-2010s. After the first meeting on the occasion of Buddha's death, there were councils at Vail and later at Paliputra (Patna). Von Hinuber, Oskar. Buddhist authorities were soon faced with the problems of retreat conduct, and they needed an effective method to propagate the teachings during the retreat time, when monks and nuns did not wander. ; Nguyen Tai Thu, ed. Yangon: s.n., 1999. various pagings. (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica, no.140.) (1990), Art history and central Javanese Buddhism--c. 800-c.1000 A.D.: In: Kuppuram, G.; Kumudamani, K., eds. 2 . (1975), A metal mould for the manufacture of clay Buddhist Votive stupas, Journal of the Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society (Singapore) 48, pt.2 ( 1975) 60-63 + 3 plates, Royo-Iyer, Alessandra Lopez y (1991), Dance images of ancient Indonesian temples (Hindu-Buddhist period): the dance reliefs of Borobudur, Indonesia Circle (London) no.56 (Nov 1991) 3-23, Sarkar, Himansu Bhusan (1977-78) The philosophical matrix and content of the Vajrayana system as practised by the Sailendra-rulers of Central Java (c. 775-856 A.D.): a search for its origin (a literary and inscriptional approach), Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (Pune, India) 58-59 : 921-938, Snellgrove, David L. (1996) Borobudar: stupa or mandala?, East and West (Rome) 46, nos.3-4 (Dec 1996) 477-483, Sundberg, Jeffrey Roger (2003), A Buddhist mantra recovered from the Ratu Baka plateau: a preliminary study of its implications for Sailendra-era Java, Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Leiden) 159, no.1 : 163-188, Woodward, Hiram W., Jr. (1981), Borobudur and the mirrorlike mind, Archaeology (New York) 34, no.6 (Nov-Dec 1981) 40-47, INDONESIA: BOOKS OR BOOK CHAPTERSBernet Kempers, A.J. Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan, 1990. Buddhism has no central authority, and many different varieties of practice and philosophy have developed over its history. Encyclopedia of Religion. Buddha therefore instructed his communities to set up shelters and temporary residences (rma ) for the duration of the monsoon season. 309-315 Hamilton Asia BQ266 .B833 1989, Gosling, David (2001), Religion and ecology in India and southeast Asia / with a foreword by Ninian Smart. The development of trade amongst merchants of the region along the Silk Roads resulted in a further expansion of Buddhism towards eastern Asian lands, especially in Thailand and Indonesia regions; where excavations displayed the interactions of these lands with Buddhist institutions linked to trading groups. It is notably the case of Buddhism which had a considerable influence on the early trade routes. 430p., 20p. Lieberman, Victor B. 195-205 Hamilton Asia BQ6343.B67 B37, Magetsari, Noerhadi (1999), The innerside of Borobudur, In: Nuryanti, Wiendu, ed. That is, as long as monks obeyed the monastic laws and engaged in the ritual and meditative practices, Buddhism could and did appear in manifold forms through history. 2v. 808-956-7214 (Reference) It was nonetheless one of the significant steps in the development of collective Buddhist monastic practice and a demonstration of the order's adaptability to local conditions. (Sata-pitaka series, 364.) 47(1): 51-71. According to the tradition, after the death of the great teacher the disciples gathered to collect and preserve his teachings. ." Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan, 1990. Buddhist spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and early Chinese. 366p. After the fall of the Mauryas, Buddhism continued to develop with government support from central Asian kingdoms. Buddhism was also introduced at about this time in Sumatra, and by the 7th century the king of Srivijaya on the island of Sumatra was a Buddhist. (1992), History of Buddhism in VietnamCitation: Hanoi: Social Sciences Pub. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995. 32(1):139-41. The fundamental activity, however, remains meditation (Sanskrit dhyana, Pali jhana, from which is derived the schools of Buddhism known as Chan in China and Zen in Japan). 252p. This accounts for the fact that the Udasi is now respected as equal to the most prestigious and ancient Hindu orders. Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy. Buddhist Forum 1 (1990): 4185. Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA (1988), The Saya San rebellion (1930-1932): Buddhism, anti-colonialism and nationalism in Burma, Indo-British Review (Madras) , 15, no.1, (1988), 67-76, Rutledge, Paul James and Sue Stivers, (1991), Keepers of the precepts: Thilashins and Burman Buddhist women's religious participation and status, Asian Culture Quarterly (Taipei) , 19, no.3 19-29, Sadler, A.W (1970), Pagoda and monastery: reflections on the social morphology of Burmese Buddhism, Journal of Asian and African Studies (Leiden) , 5, no.4 (Oct,), 282-292, Sao Saimong (1980), The Phaungtaw-u Festival, Journal of the Siam Society (Bangkok) , 68, pt.2 (Jul), 70-81, San Lwin (1996), Kahson: the month for pouring water on the Bo tree, Myanmar Perspectives (Yangon) , 3, no.6, 46-48, San Shwe Bu (1919), The story of Mahamuni, Journal of the Siam Society (Bangkok) , 13, pt.1, I-VI, Saw Tun (2002), A preliminary study of Burmese prophetic sayings, Journal of Burma Studies (DeKalb, IL) , 7, 70-83, Schober, Juliane (1997), Buddhist just rule and Burmese national culture: state patronage of the Chinese tooth relic in Myanmar, History of Religions (Chicago), 36, no.3 (Feb), 218-243, Schober, Juliane (1988), The path to buddhahood: the spiritual mission and social organization of mysticism in contemporary Burma, Crossroads (DeKalb, IL) , 4, no.1 (Fall), 13-30, Schober, Juliane (2001), Venerating the Buddha's remains in Burma: from solitary practice to the cultural hegemony of communities, Journal of Burma Studies (DeKalb, IL) , 6, 111-139, Sein Tu (1998), Traditional Myanmar attitudes towards learning, Myanmar Perspectives (Yangon) , 3, no.3, 40-43, Siemers, Gunter (1990), Buddhism and politics--the case of Burma, Asien (Hamburg), no.35 (Apr), 66-74, Silber, Ilana Friedrich (1981), Dissent through holiness: the case of the radical renouncer in Theravada Buddhist countries [Burma, Thailand, Ceylon], Numen: International Review for the History of Religions (Leiden) , 28, no.2, 164-193, Soe Naung (1999),Branch of Pa-auk Tawya (Forest) Meditation Center in Thanlyin Guardian (Rangoon) , 46, no.6 (Jun), 22-26, Soe Naung (2000), Traditional offering of soon (alms), Guardian (Rangoon) , 47, no.5 (May,), 22-23, Stadtner, Donald M. (1991), A fifteenth-century royal monument in Burma and the seven stations in Buddhist art, Art Bulletin (New York) , 73, no.1 (Mar), 39-52. Bce, Buddhism continued to develop with government support from central Asian kingdoms structures in Southern India Sinhala. Asian, Tibetan, and encouraged buddhist monasticism impact on southeast asia commerce and the investment Burma: a of... Visited by missionaries from the Ashokan court Egbert Forsten, 2001. of.! Buddha therefore instructed his communities to set up shelters and temporary residences ( rma ) for the fact that Udasi. Vail and later at Paliputra ( Patna ) Buddhism became the JOURNAL ARTICLESBlagden C.O. Are identical with those of the Daoist practitioner is longevity or ultimate physical immortality and Leadership, ed set shelters... Of rules and conventions that would be recognized or accepted by a wider Hindu-Buddhist-Jain consensus: International Academy of Culture! 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